Are you a Trusted Advisor to your clients?
Our partner software Encompass-CX breaks down clients' perceptions of your business - from Antagonistic to Trusted Advisor. Incorporating fact-based data (like support tickets, emails, and phone calls), Encompass-CX goes beyond customer satisfaction to provide insights and recommend actions a survey would leave unnoticed.
Does your company stack up with the industry average for client perception?
Your Clients?

Success Stories
Leading North American Bank
Reduce customer defections
Improve customer climate
Increase revenue from fee-based products
Brookeside Approach
Customer climate feedback (branch level)
Leadership training for branch managers
In-branch action teams
Cross-branch learning

Increased customer retention (92% of target customers)
40% increase in revenue from fee-based products in one year
20% improved profitability from branch operations in one year

65% increase in product applications
Improved customer climate
Increased revenue per customer
Restructure the Corporate Bank for improved customer focus
Identify and meet the full range of needs of target customers
Develop teamwork among account managers and product sales groups
Brookeside Approach
Feedback on customer needs and perceptions of services
Retraining of relationship managers
Redefinition of product expert role to support "total team banking"